Saturday, January 5, 2013

End of 2012 and Beginnig of 2013

Well as most of you know, WE ARE GOING TO HAVE OUR FIRST BABY! We found out on December 10th, when we went in for my first ultrasound and check up! We were 11 weeks along! (I did take home tests and they were positive however we just didn't want to truely believe them and later be dissapointed. Good thing we weren't!)
We shared the news the next evening with both of our parents and siblings! It was such a special day because it was 12-12-12 and Alijandro's mother's 58th birthday was on this very special day and we got to make it even more special! Telling my parents was amazing as well! They didn't see it coming and balled! This baby will be grandchild number 7 on Alijandro's side and number 1 on my side! The other fun thing is, the baby will be the number 1 great-grandchild AND great-great-grandchild on my side! We will definitely be taking a 5 generation picture once the baby is born!

We are just so excited to welcome this Little Lemanske into our home! As for what the baby is, we aren't sure.... YET! Hopefully Monday I will be able to find out with my second appointment! I will only be 16 weeks along, however I hope that the doctor will be able to tell during the ultrasound!

Hey something fun, how about you all guess!! Then we will see who was right! We would love a girl and I had a dream it was a boy! In the end, we hope the baby is healthy! So go ahead.... What do you think?!

2012 was a great and trying year. Yes, you read that right. Great and Trying. Without the trials we don't learn and we can't grow without learning, thus trials must come. Like the last blog said, we moved to Utah in the USA from Ledegem, Belgium. Let me remind you that both of our parents and siblings live in Europe, so it wasn't the easiest decision ever. However, when the Lord tells you to do something, you do it! (We wanted to move here, you still have to listen though!) Since the last post, we've sent in Alijandro's paperwork. October 22nd was definitely a hard day. Great, but hard day. I had the papers in hand, I was sure everything was okay. But giving them to someone else, to have sent across the country to Illinois was just mind boggeling. It brought tears to my eyes, but I knew for sure through revelation, that everything would be just fine.

Thanksgiving and Christmas was spent with our family members on my mom's side! We definitely have a blast, all 20 of us in this house! On Christmas we got to talk with my Uncle, Elder Hubbard, on skype who is serving his mission in the Dominican Republic. As we had big news, we were one of the first to get to talk to him! He is just doing amazing, he looks great and his Spanish is astounding! When we broke the news to him that he was going to be a GREAT Uncle, he was just stoked! The first thing he asked was "When are you do?!!!"

I received another calling in the ward. I'm now a teacher in the Relief Society! I love teaching, so this gives me some great practice for years to come!!

On December 31, 2012 I was so fed up with waiting for his work permit. I had the receipt numbers to look up the status, I just never wanted too, knowing that if one document stayed in the same processing stage for too long I would become stressed. However, this day was different. I knew I needed to look. What did I read, HIS WORK PERMIT WAS SENT ON DEC 31ST! What an amazing New Year's present! We were so stoked! We are hoping for it to arrive this week sometime and can't wait for Alijandro to start looking for a job! :)

We celebrated the New Year with some of our good friends from the ward who just recently had a baby! It was definitely a fun filled night and we are thankful for their invitation! We are also thankful that Chase (my youngest brother) wasn't able to light off all his fireworks this past summer so that we had some to light for New Years! He is the best for sharing with us! :)

On New Years day we went Sledding with some other great friends of ours! We had a blast up in Big Cottonwood Canyon! It was both of our first times to go sledding! :) And definitely not our last!

As for now, Tomorrow is my BIRTHDAY! And I'm pretty ... well i'm going to be surprised since my great husband has been sneaking around, and just letting me know not to ask what's going on! :P The one thing I said was, I want a Virgin Pina Colada for my 21st birthday! :D I'll be super ecstatic if I get one!

Other than all of that, we are health happy and ready for this New Year, full of BIG and Much appreciated blessings! We are greatful for all of you and we love you all! Happy New Year and may God guide you and bless you throughout it! - A & K

P.s More pictures are to come!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our New Journey

Well here we are and it's 9/11. First i'd like to say;To all those who were lost, you are never forgotten. To those who lost, be brave, for you'll see them again. To those who survived, may peace be with you forever. To those who serve, God speed. To my Uncle, a Fireman, thanks for pushing yourself to become the man you are and the hero that you are. To my buddy and Father, Thank you. Thank you for fighting all of these last (almost) 20 years. Thank you for being our leader and showing us the way. And most of all, Thank you for always putting others lives above your own. And thank you for always being there and for loving me. May God bless each and every one of us, through his power and the power that he gives to our Hero's. <3

(Picture taken at the Jordan River Temple, By Kylee Leman!)
Now onto our little BIG journey! It's been quite the adventure. We left Ledegem, Belgium almost 2 weeks ago and have been living in Midvale, Utah. There have definitely been ups and downs, but the Lord has helped us throught he downs. (Not that there has been numerous downs, but without downs, there are no ups.)
First of all, it was not easy to say goodbye to anyone. The Leman's the Wilstead's and all our very Best Friend's. We love you all so much and are so happy that we have your support!
Well our trip took us from Brussels, Belgium to Reykjavik, Iceland.
This is us, waiting in the aiport, for our flight to Iceland!
And us getting on the plane; We couldn't believe the day had actually come.
Both of us!
We were just in the right spot to see our bag's being put in the plane! (So we knew if they were being careful of not!)
This was Alijandro, saying his very last goodbye's to his homeland and country, Belgium.
And although we were going very very far away, it was because we had each other, no matter what came our way, we knew we could handle anything!
This was our first glimpse of Iceland.
And this is the statue and landscape outside of the Airport. (We took a picture outside with this statue, however it was superrr windy and freezing that the picture didn't turn out and we wanted to go back inside!)
This was such a cool Viking moment, that I just had to take a picture of Alijandro with the super awesome wooden boat!
We had just arrived and gone through everything we ever needed to, and were off again!
This was the screen on our plane to let us know how long we'd been flying or how close we were to Denver!
YUP, IT SAYS IT ALL! (This was in Denver!)
On our way to Salt Lake City!
Freckles, was such a good little kitty! She didn't Pee, Poop, or Whine the entire Journey! She is a trooper!
The very next morning (Friday) we went to my Cousin, Laurin's (And Brock), wedding! They were sealed in the SLC Temple and it was just such a great experience! This picture was taken Saturday night at their reception. It was so gorgeously done up and they were just such a handsome couple!
The man sitting in the chair is my Great-Grandfather's Brother, Oren, and the woman sitting next to him is his Sister, Ida. Saturday afternoon, we were invited to Uncle Oren's 90th Birthday Party! It was so special because I had never met either of them before. :) Oren told me a little bit about himself and that he was in the United States Coast Guard Reserves during WWI. Although I hadn't known him for very long, our conversations were as if we had known each other forever. We even cried together.
Aunt Ida is just super cute and still so energetic! She remembered my mom and then remembered me, from stories, I believe. She invited us to come see her, so probaby one day we will!
The party was held at one of Oren's daughter's houses. (Nancy)
It was so beautiful, and unbelievable big! We loved their backyard so we took a couple of pictures!
This is my super amazing Grandpa (Jim) and Grandma (Connie)! Aren't they just so young and fit!
Here we are on the bridge over that creek/waterflow!
This was something that Nancy's husband made, to hook up behind the 4-wheeler, so that he could take the youngest grandkids for rides/tours! I loved it and grabbed on of them to get in the picture with me. Then he didn't want to get out, but go for a ride! Whoops!
When we got home from Oren's Birthday, we found a beautiful gift all wrapped up for us on the Front Porch! It was everything we needed! We didn't know who had been so kind, until we opened the package to find that it was Lithia Heumann! Bless her, for she is just too generous! (Thank you Sooo much Lithia, and Family!)
Sunday, we went to the Baby Blessing of my youngest Cousin. My Uncle, Jesse, invited those he wanted, to help in the circle. Alijandro was asked to be one of those people and the experience was just wonderful! (I don't have those pictures, sorry!)
Well, here we are in Utah! Alijandro's first time to Walmart, and my first time since being back!
Watch out now... Alijandro has some crazy ideas! lol
Costco is a lot like Colruyt, and it was also his first time!
Alijandro and his baking skills! He made banana cake and cranberry muffins! Wow, they were delicious! 
 And this is probably the fluffiest cutie you will ever meet! Her name is Callie! She is such a sweetheart, and definitely an airhead! But we love her! :)
Thursday of last week, We went for the first time with our Grandma (Connie) to the Jordan River Temple to do Initiatories. It was so special and spiritual and we can't wait to go back! Whether it be this Temple or another, It's the House of the Lord!

Well for now, that's about all that I have! And to be honest, that's only about 1 weeks worth! Buttttt it's up and you can all see our Journey in picture and read what went on! Of course there is always more to the story, but here is the jist of it all!
We love you all and hope you enjoy this part! :)
Love A & K <3

Monday, July 16, 2012

Man oh Man!

Yesterday an investigator family came to church for the first time! (A mother, daughter, daughter, son and another daughter) They began investigating about a year ago, during the summer as well. They really liked the Elders that were teaching them because they spoke Spanish and French, and for this family who is from the Ivory Coast, that was the only two options. Thus they also asked if Alijandro would like to come and joint teach with them. After a few months and after the two Elders had left the area, this family wasn't really interested anymore. About 4-5 months later, I started seeing one of the daughters on the bus every Thursday morning. Her dutch was coming along, just like mine, so we could communicate. We exchanged numbers, and would text every once in a great while. About 2 months ago, we started to text more often and felt like better friends. A couple of weeks ago, she called me and asked me if we could come pray with them. My spirit couldn't jump any quicker, but my weak flesh held me back with questions of what did she mean and what time and I just didn't understand everything. So i gave the phone to Alijandro so that they could communicate in French. We left 30 min later. When we arrived, we were told that the youngest daughter/sister was having horrible nightmares, so we all prayed together for her. They set up an appt for a couple days later with the missionaries, and they gave her a blessing. That next sunday the oldest sister, my friend, and the youngest sister came to church with us. It was wonderful to have them, and I just couldn't be more happy to have them there. This week, I received a phone call from the mother, letting me know that the whole family would be there. I was JUMPING FOR JOY! I couldn't believe it and got right to trying to figure out how we would get them there with all the cars and what not. It was great and they all enjoyed it. Maybe a little long, but that's how it is in the beginning (or all the time :P) jk. But for investigators and children, the 3rd hour is just a lot especially when it's lunch time and they need to sit still for Sacrament meeting. Anyways, we had the two oldest girls came over to play games. They came at 5pm and we walked them home at 11pm. Man was it crazy, but super fun! We were so happy to be with them, and to try and let them fill the spirit!
So during the games I received a phone call, and to hear the voice on the other line was wonderful! Elder Hans Boom (area seventy of europe)! What a wonderful man (he was our stake president)! He started to speak to me in Dutch which was great to be able to show him my rad skills, and then on to English! He told me that he has Alijandro's cell number and Mine. He said "I need to get in touch with Alijandro. However, I decided to call your cell phone first." To which my response was laughter and "You are just too smart. Alijandro never answers his phone, so good thing you called me!" haha. Oh man! To funny.
After He and Alijandro were finished talking, Alijandro let me know that he was now called to be a Counselor for a group of Young Men during EFY instead of being my BC partner and photographer partner.  I'm happy for him to be able to influence the lives of these young men more then he would have been as a BC but now he can't help me as much as he would have, escpecially with pictures, AND we can't sleep together. Crazy, and it sounds like i'm kind of griping, Buttttt in the end, I want to serve the Lord and if that's how it is, then well, WONDERFUL! :)
This week Alijandro is off and we are going to enjoy our week together! Today, well we cleaned this morning and then just chilled, ate Ninja-ladas (enchiladas lol) and watched our favorite series at the moment, Greek. Tomorrow we are going to the market with his mom, hopefully having Lunch with her and going to the Containerpark. After that, we are going to see Madagascar 3 with some friends of ours from my school, Mojgan, Nadar and their son Parsa. They are from Iran and such wonderful people!! Wednesday we are going to get together again, and have a Kebap BBQ, which i guess is a tradition in Iran and i can't wait! Wednesday night is New Beginnings, and then Saturday we are going to France with the Branch to walk, look around and, go into some rad buildings and then go on a Boot tour! It's going to be a great week! Well that's that! Love and Happiness, Strength and Health, Safety and Christ's Guidance. Love, A & K

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A needed Update!

Well It's been forever since i've posted anything. Yes, you all know me very well. I'm not the best on keeping everyone up to date! Well let's get started! I'm pretty sure you all know that tomorrow is the 4TH OF JULY! Super exciting, other then the fact that that doesn't really exist here in Belgium. WELL of course the day does, but it's definitely not celebrated. No US independence day with Fireworks and well the works.  So i'm not sure what we are going to be doing, but i sure hope it's FUN!
Saturday was Alijandro's sister, Annelore's, wedding. I did the little girls' hair and Krystle helped by doing their make-up and nails! OH but not only did she do that, but she bought and refit all the dresses for them as well. NOT an easy job, but they looked wonderful! Adriana and I danced and sang for her mom! Adriana wanted to do it, but not alone, thus together. Everyone loved it! I'm super proud of her!
Alijandro is still trudging along at work! He is such a hard worker! I'm so proud of him! Most of the time i feel like the inadequate house wife who doesn't nearly do as much as he does. I guess it's a good thing that he loves me. Oh yes, Now that I say house wife, I'm done with my Dutch course. I didn't end with the grade I wanted, but part of it i can't change so i'll just live with it. I'm done, I passed and everyone compliments me all the time so i'll take that and run with it! :)
EFY is coming up in the beginning of August! Alijandro and I are called as BC's and we are also the photographers! We are super excited and couldn't be more ready to serve our Youth and Savior!
Freckles was spade a week ago friday, and is doing very well. The first day she was a bit drunk lol, but that wore off. She is super sweet and loving now! It's crazy! However, Sunday morning, all the doors in the building were left open, and she decided to go on an adventure. She was gone before 9am and Alijandro found her at 6pm behind our car port, on top of the wood pile in the lot of the neighbors gardening business. She was just laying down waiting for him to come pick her up. I was worried about her stitches, but all seems to be well.
This Saturday we are joining the Young/Adults for kayaking in the Ardens in Wallonie Belgium! I'm super excited! I'm just now, Praying for sunshine and NO rain! Also, a lot of patience! Alijandro and I will definitely come back with more knowledge about each other! :P
Oh yeah, and we watched Spain kick Italies butt! Ouch. We were rooting for Italy but well yeah, May the best team win. We enjoyed watching with Adriano and Krystle, with all out snacks and Sparkling Cider! :)
Well at the moment i'm stumped. I know there is probably a bunch more to say but that will just have to wait! It's time to hang the laundry up and put the clean dishes away! Oh the life of a wife! I have to say, it's the best job i've ever had! (Not the easiest if you read the sentence properly! But i love it!)
Anyways, May the lord be blessing you all each and every day with health, strength, and love!
All our love,
Alijandro and Kylee <3

Saturday, August 27, 2011

The After Math :)

Well Now we have been married for 5 months. Man I am just doing so great with this blog.... :S NOT! haha. Well let's start with a few bullet points okay my fellow padewans: (hehe i totally just referenced Star Wars! Ps. My Husband has NEVER seen Star Wars.. What has this world come to.!?)

-First, Our Apartment! We need a few New Pictures! It's a One Bedroom, one HUGE bathroom, a Toilet (room) lol, a living room seperated by a bar with a nice kitchen, and a small storage room! We also have a walking balcony in the front, and a large Terrance in the back!

-Second, Our Kitten! Man, Has she grown! She is so loving and playful, but she is also a big brat! She likes to take any chance she gets to go on our Terrace, but she doesnt stop there. We live about a wellness sauna, and YES she likes to jump off our Balcony and onto the top of the Sauna. AND then i have to climb over the fence, get on top of the Sauna, and beg her with her treats and an awesome orange toy to come back. Ps. We live on quite a busy, well used often, street, and we live in front of the Landlords gardening business and next to their house. YEAH. :P Thanks Freckles.
At the moment she is in her teenage years. She's being a little butt and a rebel! She loves to bite... elbows. No i'm not kidding!! (Well bite in general too.)

First Month! A little Fur Baby!!    ~ Second Month                  (She likes to suck on her tail while kneading  her feet and purring!) haha

 More pictures are coming later, they aren't on my computer!!

-Third, I've been through the program of integration, learning about the Hospital, Government, Housing, Police, Post Office, and so forth,

-Fourth, Nu ben ik bijna gedaan met het eerste module voor Nederlands te leren! Ik vind het een mooie taal!
(Now I am almost done with my first module of Dutch class! I think it's a beautiful language!) :)

-Fifth, I am the Young Womens President, and so far we have done quite a lot of things together! We have gone to London to do Temple work, completed a Bake Sale and a Picnic, Gone to the For the Strength of Youth camp Together, Where i was the counselor of all the Young Women i was once a Yong Woman with in Heerlen!! And the next thing coming up is an awesome Halloween Party for our Church building and two others!
Stephanie Park, Lydia Kagele, ME!, Morgan Kitchen, 
and Sarah Chardon! Heerlen Ward!

To Welcome Me home, I found a handsome Hubby with some beautiful flowers!

-Alijandro and I had or 5 month Anniversay, normally not really celebrated, but it was also his 1 year mark back home from his Church Mission! Well somehow he believed it was our 6 month anniversary and planned a whole surprise DAY for me! A facial, pedicure, Acrylic Nails, and a Hair Cut/Color!!! Man I was spoiled!

(It has layers, and the underneath is brown!)

Happy Hubby!
 And then I surprised him with a friends and family celebration in honor of him! I personalized a Shirt for him all about his mission.. Which hasn't been bought yet! But will be soon!!! :)

This was our 5 month Dinner! Mama's heated Spaghetti Sauce!! yummm!

-We went to the Temple again for the first time in 5 months!! It was amazing! We were the Witness couple! We were QUITE nervous, but in the end it was wonderful! We were so alert and could feel the spirit so strongly! (Sorry for those of you who don't understand....:S) It was a beautiful experience and I can't wait to go back with my Eternal Companion again SOON!

-We have like ONE MILLION BABY GUPPIES! We bought them a couple of weeks maybe a couple of months after we were married. Thanks to the Men, haha, all the Women are pregnant, like ALL the time! So we have so many babies! but we love to watch them grow and get more and more color!

-Alijandro is working in a shop that sells in bulk, kind of like Sams Club, but it's called Colruyt. First thing you should know is that its like a family business because almost everyone in the family has or does work there, so every family get together the topic of Colruyt always comes up! haha. He definitely enjoys it. He is working towards becoming a Manager or the store, so he has lots of meetings, and needs to go to other Colruyt shops sometimes. He is a hard worker, and comes home pretty shot sometimes. Good thing he has a GREAT WIFE ;) who is always ready to play doctor! :p

-He is also the Elder's Quorum President! He is really trying to get everything organized and the Brethren interested and ready to do the lords work! The both of them have been helping out with missionary work in their city. The Family speaks Spanish and French. They are from the Ivory Coast. Kylee just sits back and listens to what sounds like gibberish, but loves the feel of the Spirit. Alijandro uses his wonderful skill of speaking French and testifies all the time of the Truthfulness of the Gospel. :) I'm such a proud wife!

-Kylee is going to school for Dutch from 9-12 everyday. In October she hopes to be changing schools from Intensive to Super Intensive, and go to school from 9-4. The program is quicker and you learn the language faster. She tried out for one of the 1st Soccer Teams in Belgium. (A National Team) First, She hasn't played in 1.5 years and her conditioning is awful. But she tried her best. The great compliments he gave her were, "You definitely know the game. You have a great Right foot, and you are fast." However, due to her conditioning and loss of practice, he said that she could play second team. WOW. Thats awesome. 2nd team out of all of Belgium. She took that as a compliment still. But they play on Sunday, so that was out of the question too. So hopefully, one day She will join the 3rd team of a different city, work on her conditioning and foot skills and be ready for the next season... cause the Coach told her to Come back and try out again!! :)

We are happily married and enjoy every minute of it!! Cooking is becoming a wonderful skill of Kylee's, with the Help of her Mother's example, watching her Mother In Law, and her Husbands taste buds!! (He can also cook amazingly!!!) Carcasonne is a game that we absolutely love, and are Thankful for our Dad (Wilstead) who loves to find games and crazy things to do!! We hope to be getting a car, but it needs a few touch ups, so we are waiting to hear back from the owner. It was so nice to have our brother and his mechanic friend there, without him we wouldnt have found the fact that the cooling system doesnt work, and then our car would overheat and yeah you get the point. I'm also happy for a Dad who knows how to work on cars, and I hope the next time we are with him, Alijandro and I can get a little bit dirty under the hood with the help of my  (our) Dad!

Two nights ago, it was like a blessing fell from the sky and hit us smack in the nose! A neighbor of our Parents (Leman) came over with Andres, and brought us a... MICROWAVE! Geeze, how wonderful! We hadn't told her that we didn't have one, or mention it to her. (Thanks to our Mama (Viviane) who had slipped a small word in!) NOW WE HAVE A MICROWAVE!! Thanks to our Father in Heaven, For always blessing us!

Well thats about it for now!!! Sorry it's been awhile! I tried to throw as much as I could remember back onto (electronic) paper! We hope all is well, and want to let everyone know how much we Love you, Care about you, and Pray about you!

With all our Love,

Alijandro & Kylee Leman ;)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Last the Best: Happily Together forever!

Friday Morning, and It was time to get ready for our Temple Sealing!! We woke up, went to the bathroom to turn on the shower... waiting...waiting...Umm When will the water become hot. GEEZE! We had no cell phone, no clothes other than our dress and tux, so how were we suppose to figure out how to get 2 km away from here with no car, internet, or phone. Definitely NOT walking! Luckily, Luc Leman (my father in law) came to see if everything was okay and bring something, however, in the end we needed to take it back with us to Luc and Viviane Lemans house. There were 13 people in the house... all of them needed a Shower! The time got later and later... we weren't going to make the Temple session before our sealing. When we got to the temple, everyone was waiting in the waiting room, i left Alijandro to prepare everything :p and make sure all the paperwork was right! My mom was doing my hair in the bathroom, and so many girls came in and just gave me the greatest compliments!! I felt like such a princess! :) Even the Temple Presidents wife, who used to be in the Heerlen Ward while i was there, came in and just complimented me left and right!! It's always nice to feel great on YOUR day!
  It was finally time to go and finish getting ready, so that i could meet my Handsome Prince in White! When i saw him, all i could do was cry. My heart was beating so fast. It was Him and I... This was it. We were going to FINALLY be sealed for Time & All Eternity!
  We needed to make sure all spellings and birthdays etc. were correct, and then we talked to the President of the Temple. How spiritual. We couldn't have been more sure of each other!
   Due to the Sacredness of the Temple I can not explain, however it was BEAUTIFUL! The words and the people who were there to witness our Sealing, and the Joining of two Families! The greatest thing was being able to see my Husband across from me, holding his hands, and smiling through our tears, knowing how important and special this moment is!!
    We walked out of the building into BUBBLES!! :) How fun! Our family was there so be happy for us and receive us outside of the Temple doors!

    It was a rainy day, and a gift the Temple gave us was a White Umbrella! They told us, Even on the rainiest days, we can make it through anything together! So we used out beautiful Umbrella and took pictures outside of the temple!
    It was time to head back to the Chapel, to eat and clean up. Alijandro and I rode with Luc, Viviane and Aaron Leman. Alijandro decided he was going to sleep!!  The bottom of my dress was wet, my feet were wet, and it wasn't comfortable on my body, but that wasn't going to ruin my day!!
  We got to the church and the Verdegem Family and Angelo and Candice Leman had already cleaned up so much! We were so appreciative! I couldn't really help clean with such a beautiful and WHITE dress on. So I decided that i was going to go and sit by my dad while he tried to get the acrylic paint of the windows. He was explaining something about the Revolutionary war, and how almost all official documents were in French. To be honest, if you read that, it sounds lame! lol. But it seriously was a great bonding time for me and my dad and i LOVED hearing it!! (Possibly because it was about France and French, and Alijandro served there and spoke the same language!)
   It was getting late, and finally it was time for Alijandro and I to be off to our Hotel!!! ;) Adriano Leman decided he would take us in his beautiful Alfa Romeo! When we pulled up to the gate, it looked like a hotel in the back of some alley that was going to be horrible. However as soon as we got through the tunnel/alley we looked through the sliding glass doors and saw beautiful green like our wedding! We were excited! We got our key and walked on up! We opened the door and wow!! It was all red, had a King size bed, huge bathtub, shower, and a gorgeous set up! The only thing we couldnt find was a lighter/matches. So Alijandro went and asked the man if he had one! He lit candles all over the room and it became our little one night Romantic Get away!
  We had breakfast brought to us that morning, and we got to eat it in bed!! Beautiful Sunny day, unlike the last two days, and we believed it was our Heavenly Father praising us for doing the best we could, and finding our other halves!!! <3

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Second Half of: Happily Together Forever!

   Well we had arrived at the Manor Hove and as soon as we stepped out of the van, We were freezing!

However, because of the adrenaline of the BIG day and the excitement for wonderful pictures, it was hardly noticeable! First we decided to take pictures by the Pond!

Where we could see reflections and Alijandro could pretend to throw me in!!! haha.

My dad Truely thought he might just accidently let go and WHOOPS..... good thing I had another dress! haha He did NOT throw me in! But the pictures captured the moment very well!

We moved on to the Bridge, where we peaked through the bottom part, and walked across. We took a short video of Alijandro and I running to each other, where he picked me up and swirled with me! We also took pictures by a rock, a beautiful statue, and an old pioneer wagon of sorts!

We then decided to go into the entrance hall way and use the wicker bench. We used the Dining Facility/Horse carridge area and small barn for pictures!

Then We were off again to meet everyone at home!
   When we arrived, everyone was ready and looked great! The Bridesmaids had finished there hair, which to be honest, was a miracle to me. It was time to put all the Boutonnieres on everyone. AGHH. Almost all of the flowers fell off of the pin because its not such a belgian thing so they were made horribly. But thanks to a glue gun and a sewing pin, they were saved! The time had come and we all needed to stand in order to walk outside the house. My Dad and I were last, With Alijandro and his Mom in front of us. Last but not least, it was our turn. And when i turned the corner, and to my astonishment, I had the most gorgeous Cinderella Horse Drawn Carriage, that my Parents-In-Law decided to surprise both Alijandro AND I with. He knew there was going to be a carriage, but for everyone. However that carriage was for the Family, Bridesmaids and Groomsmen! :) Gosh, my breath was taken away when I saw my Prince, standing before me with a beautiful carriage! My dream had come true!! <3
    We arrived at the Gemeentehuis (Town Hall) where everyone lined the halls, guests and family, where we walked through into the Ceremony room. My Dad helped me out of the carriage and up the stairs, holding my dress and all. He was so amazing to have by my side, before having to give me away. I love him so very much. However, I was happy that he and my mom were both to my left, during the ceremony! It showed me just how much they have done for me and the support that they were giving me!
    Through almost the entire ceremony, I was smiling, looking at Alijandro, Wondering when I was going to be able to say "Ja" and kiss my Groom! It finally came, and wow it was amazing feeling! We were then able to stand up and put the rings on each other! Chase was our Ringbearer, so he brought up the rings!! He was so cute! :) We were a bit confused actually at the beginning, because we forgot what color was the others box! lol. But it all worked out well! My ring was beautiful! And he loved his! Which was perfect!

Cause neither of us had seen our ring before!!! The big kiss came after the rings! And so did the big celebration!!!!
   After, everyone came to congratulate us, and BIG ol tears were dropping off my face! I was super happy! I couldn't believe that i had found the love of my life, he loved me just as much, and we FINALLY were married!!! And it was off to the Cycloon Reception Hall!!

   It was time to greet other guests who had and who hadn't come to the wedding! It was small appetizers and candy, meet and greet sort of thing. The guest table was there and so was the Candy bar!! :) Two of my American Traditions! Woo hoo! Nothing TOO special, just being with friends and family!
   Next Stop: FEAST!!!! :D We walked into the Church building and all gathered in the foyer, everyone grabbing drinks, and eating a few appetizers. When everything was set up, the cake, the Flutes, etc. then Alijandro welcomed everyone, thanked everyone for coming, and we opened the doors, and allowed everyone to find there name card at the table they would be sitting at. When everyone was seated and arrangements were made, the doors closed again. The music began and Luc and Viviane Leman first made there way to the headtable,

 then Lee and Jenny Wilstead, coming through the doors.

 Last but not Least, Alijandro and I walked in!!

And WHOOPS! My train was quite long, and got stuck in the door!! :P hhehehe.
However, we made it to the front of the room, and lead everyone in waving there fabric napkin! (A dutch tradition!) We then thanked everyone for coming, how happy we were, and asked Luc Leman to give the opening prayer. After, we explained how the night was going to go, and began with the head table, to go and get there food. After almost everyone got food, we were able to cut the cake!! Alijandro and I cut the cake together and YES of course we SHOVED it into each others faces!! :)  ( Picture of that is coming!)

We took the cake to the serving area, and Alijandro and I served everyone there piece of cake! When everyone had eaten there cake, it was FINALLY  time to start dancing! Alijandro announced that he chose the opening Song for ME and i chose the closing song for HIM! :) So i was super happy to hear what he had chosen! It was beautiful! "The Greatest Story Ever Told - Oliver James." I didn't open my eyes, once. He sang to me, he lifted me, he kisses me! I couldn't ask for someone more! I had it all!! <3
   Then i was able to dance with my Dad!!! It was kinda funny cause the song was German! hhaha. Next I danced with Papa, My Father-In- Law, then his Brother, Eric Leman (Who is a famous Vlaanderen Cyclist.) Then I danced with Jaden, Angelo, Tanner, Chase, Adriano, And of Course my Hubby again! :) We did the Mac-arena, Enzeija  (don't know how to spell it), Limbo, and much more!!! Finally the night was getting late and we decided that it was our last dance! It was my turn to share my song with Alijandro! It is definitely an older one but It talked about the Stars and Rain and I believed it was perfect! "When You Tell me that You Love me - Diana Ross." When everyone had gone and it was time to leave, we first went with the Lemans, home to get our clothing for tomorrow, and then we were taken to our Apartment!