Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A needed Update!

Well It's been forever since i've posted anything. Yes, you all know me very well. I'm not the best on keeping everyone up to date! Well let's get started! I'm pretty sure you all know that tomorrow is the 4TH OF JULY! Super exciting, other then the fact that that doesn't really exist here in Belgium. WELL of course the day does, but it's definitely not celebrated. No US independence day with Fireworks and well the works.  So i'm not sure what we are going to be doing, but i sure hope it's FUN!
Saturday was Alijandro's sister, Annelore's, wedding. I did the little girls' hair and Krystle helped by doing their make-up and nails! OH but not only did she do that, but she bought and refit all the dresses for them as well. NOT an easy job, but they looked wonderful! Adriana and I danced and sang for her mom! Adriana wanted to do it, but not alone, thus together. Everyone loved it! I'm super proud of her!
Alijandro is still trudging along at work! He is such a hard worker! I'm so proud of him! Most of the time i feel like the inadequate house wife who doesn't nearly do as much as he does. I guess it's a good thing that he loves me. Oh yes, Now that I say house wife, I'm done with my Dutch course. I didn't end with the grade I wanted, but part of it i can't change so i'll just live with it. I'm done, I passed and everyone compliments me all the time so i'll take that and run with it! :)
EFY is coming up in the beginning of August! Alijandro and I are called as BC's and we are also the photographers! We are super excited and couldn't be more ready to serve our Youth and Savior!
Freckles was spade a week ago friday, and is doing very well. The first day she was a bit drunk lol, but that wore off. She is super sweet and loving now! It's crazy! However, Sunday morning, all the doors in the building were left open, and she decided to go on an adventure. She was gone before 9am and Alijandro found her at 6pm behind our car port, on top of the wood pile in the lot of the neighbors gardening business. She was just laying down waiting for him to come pick her up. I was worried about her stitches, but all seems to be well.
This Saturday we are joining the Young/Adults for kayaking in the Ardens in Wallonie Belgium! I'm super excited! I'm just now, Praying for sunshine and NO rain! Also, a lot of patience! Alijandro and I will definitely come back with more knowledge about each other! :P
Oh yeah, and we watched Spain kick Italies butt! Ouch. We were rooting for Italy but well yeah, May the best team win. We enjoyed watching with Adriano and Krystle, with all out snacks and Sparkling Cider! :)
Well at the moment i'm stumped. I know there is probably a bunch more to say but that will just have to wait! It's time to hang the laundry up and put the clean dishes away! Oh the life of a wife! I have to say, it's the best job i've ever had! (Not the easiest if you read the sentence properly! But i love it!)
Anyways, May the lord be blessing you all each and every day with health, strength, and love!
All our love,
Alijandro and Kylee <3

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